The Aims of EnergyAgency.FUKUSHIMA

The aims of EnergyAgency Fukushima

The Principal of Energy Agency. FUKUSHIMA

To Become a Front Runner in the Field of Renewable Energy

Making rapid promotion of renewable energy as a pillar of the reconstruction

After the Great East Japan Earthquake and the nuclear power accident, Fukushima Prefecture placed a higher priority on “Rapid Promotion of Renewable Energy”. On the premise of total decommissioning of nuclear power plants, “Creating a safe and secure society with potential for sustainable development ” has become a philosophy of reconstruction.


To construct a mechanism where the local residents are given the leading roles, capitals are circulated within the prefecture, the profit is returned to the area,
To promote local production of energy for local consumption.


To create employments by nurturing new industries and restructuring existing industries within the prefecture, while attracting industrially related companies from outside the prefecture by taking advantage of the pioneering projects of the world such as experimental research on offshore floating wind turbines.

By giving the list above an important role, we will promote the implementation of renewable energy for the further development of the region. In addition, we will introduce renewable energy strategically and aim to be “the pioneering land of renewable energy”, while balancing the environment and the economy.

The target schedule of renewable energy introduction in Fukushima prefecture

In the Renewable Energy Promotion project vision, we set a goal to be able to generate renewable energy equivalent to 100% or more of the energy demand in the prefecture.

The action plan to become the pioneering land of renewable energy.

The three pillars of our action plan

Local initiatives

To promote the expansion of renewable energy implementation with the participation of both local companies and residents.


Industrial Cluster

To create employment in related industries such as manufacturing, construction and maintenance.


Empowering the reconstruction

To make renewable energy a driving force to the reconstruction.

Action plan third phase
  1. Increase measures to implement renewable energy in their respective
  2. Promoting renewable energy implementation under regional leadership
  3. Promoting the nurturing and accumulation of renewable energy related industries
  4. Becoming a driving force of reconstruction with renewable energy
  5. Efficient utilisation of energy
  6. Formulate on easy-to-understand and approachable report on the status of renewable energy implementation


Promotion prospect for 2021 42%

In order to advance towards the goal, we focus on both the expansion of renewable energy implementation and the efficient use of energy,