Fujita Kensetsu Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Fields of expertise / Fields of Interest

  • PV
  • Biomass
Fujita Kensetsu Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Basic information

Location 20 Minami-cho, Tanagura-machi, Higashishirakawa, Fukushima 963-6131
Phone TEL: +81-247-33-2281 FAX: +81-247-33-6942
Website http://www.fujitakk.com
Primary business ■ Public and Private
Civil engineering work / construction work (new construction, reconstruction, addition, remodeling) / paving work / pipe renewal work / gas work / railway work / etc.


We use the power of reliable land information that is rooted in the region to support customers inspecting new sites or reviewing existing sites.
Also, we aim for a recycling society, in which human resources, materials and funds circulate within the region with the utmost consideration for the economy of the region, achieved through renewable energy


We, along with other companies, established solar power stations capable of PCS output at about 12MW
Of those, two of the 2MW power stations use ‘Regional Contribution Solar Power Stations’ that funnel profits back into the region and use wooden frames that are made by us with use of timber resources sourced in the region


Solar power generating stations temporarily stimulated the local economy of the region, but did not create ongoing employment.
Also, building cheaply often means that land suitable for businesses will be used, and this has a negative impact, because it deprives the region of opportunities to create jobs in the future.
We are looking to create local jobs and develop the local economy, and believe that moving to a biomass project can make the most of locally sourced timber.